Online Post 2/5 Barcode Maker


Barcode Data: 

( Up To 100 Rows )

You can copy data

from Excel sheet, then

paste to this text box.

Valid Characters: 0123456789

Barcode Type:

   Change Type

Barcode Size:

 /    [Width / Height]    

Unit of Size:

Width Stretch:

Yes       No

Bottom Text:

Yes       No

Text Font Name:

Text Font Size:



Post2/5, flavor of Interleave 2 of 5.

Post2/5 is a numeric code using the numbers 0..9. This code is used by the Deutsche Post AG (DHL). The base of thiscode is Code 25 Interleaved, but with a different check digit.

Also known as Identcode or Leitcode.



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