Free Online IATA Barcode Maker


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Numbers 0-9, Uppercase Letters A-Z, Special Characters

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The IATA barcode is a graphical identifier used to represent air transportation information. It is developed and managed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

The IATA barcode is a coding system used to identify airlines, destinations and transportation documents.

The IATA barcode standard was developed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to unify and standardize the identification, communication and application of the air transport industry.

Its structural features are:

A 10-digit or 13-digit barcode consists of an airline code of two letters or a combination of numbers and letters, plus a digit ticket number.

Using the coding rules of 39 codes or 128 codes, it has high reliability and accuracy.

Data can be quickly read via a scanner or mobile phone camera.

For example:

LH9876543210 is the IATA barcode of Lufthansa.

United Airlines' IATA barcode is UA.

Lufthansa's IATA barcode is LH.

Singapore Airlines' IATA barcode is SQ.

The IATA barcode of Air China (Air China) is CA.


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