Free Online Ean-8 Barcode Maker


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EAN-8 is an EAN/UPC symbology barcode and is derived from the longer International Article Number (EAN-13) code.

It was introduced for use on small packages where an EAN-13 barcode would be too large; for example on cigarettes, pencils, and chewing gum packets. It is encoded identically to the 12 digits of the UPC-A barcode, except that it has 4 (rather than 6) digits in each of the left and right halves.


EAN - European Article Number, but is now referred to as The International Article Number.

It is a standard describing abarcode symbology and numbering system used in global trade to identify a specific retail product type, in a specific packaging configuration, from a specific manufacturer. EAN barcodes are used worldwide for lookup at retail point of sale.

The most commonly used EAN standard is the thirteen-digit EAN-13, the less commonly used 8-digit EAN-8 barcode was introduced for use on small packages, where EAN-13 would be too large. 2-digit EAN-2 and 5-digit EAN-5 are supplemental barcodes, placed on the right-hand side of EAN-13 or UPC. These are generally used for periodicals like magazines or books, to indicate the current year's issue number; and weighed products like food, to indicate the manufacturer's suggested retail price.


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