Online Code 39 Barcode Maker


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Code 39 barcode is a barcode with no fixed length and can represent 43 characters, including uppercase Latin letters, numbers and some special characters.

LOGMARS stands for Logistics Applications of Automated Marking and Reading Symbols. It is defined by code 39 military standard MIL-STD-1189B.

The Code 39 barcode was developed by Dr. David Allier of Intermec in 1974 and was initially adopted by the U.S. Department of Defense as a military barcode.

Code 39 has only two unit widths, namely wide unit and narrow unit. The width of the wide unit is 1 to 3 times that of the narrow unit. Generally, 2 times, 2.5 times or 3 times are used. Each barcode character of Code 39 consists of nine units, three of which are wide units and the rest are narrow units, hence the name Code 39.

The Code 39 barcode was the first alphanumeric barcode and was later widely used in industrial fields.

Because it could handle letters, CODE 39 was indispensable in the industrial field at the time and was used in factory automation industries such as automobiles and electronics.

Code39 is one of the most widely used barcode formats. Code39 is defined in the ISO/IEC 16388:2007 standard.



Ability to encode data of any length. The limitations are the length of the printed matter and the recognition range of the barcode reader.

Supports a wide range of devices. At present, almost all barcode reading devices can read Code39 codes, and the same is true for printers.

Simple to Generate. Simple development techniques can quickly generate corresponding coded images.


The coding density is low and cannot represent complex characters such as Chinese. A check code is needed to improve reliability.


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